Jim Lee Strengthening District 7 with Leadership, Stewardship, and Governance
Jim Lee is committed to addressing the core issues that matter most to our community, ensuring that every student, teacher, and family in DD2 has the support and resources needed for success.
Elevating Student Achievement

Jim Lee believes that true student achievement begins with clear focus and measurable goals. Drawing on his extensive leadership experience, Jim will work to prioritize academic excellence by supporting policies that emphasize fundamental skills and rigorous standards. By aligning resources with these objectives, Jim ensures that every student has the opportunity to succeed. His approach to education is grounded in the belief that success is built on a strong foundation of accountability and discipline, both in the classroom and in the broader school environment.

Accountability and Fiscal Responsibility

Parents have a fundamental right to guide their children's education, and Jim is unwavering in his support for this principle. He stands for policies that empower parents to have a decisive voice in what their children learn, particularly on sensitive matters. Jim’s approach emphasizes clear opt-in policies, putting control back in the hands of families. His dedication to parental rights is rooted in a deep respect for the role of families in shaping the next generation.

Great schools are built by dedicated teachers, and keeping the best educators is crucial. Jim is passionate about supporting our teachers with the respect and resources they deserve. His strategy includes advocating for competitive salaries and creating a work environment where teachers feel valued and motivated to stay. For Jim, it's about investing in the people who shape our children's futures and ensuring they have what they need to succeed.

Teacher Recruitment and Retention
Parental Rights and Responsibilities

When it comes to managing public funds, every dollar counts. Jim’s extensive experience in budget management ensures that resources are used wisely and transparently. He is committed to long-term strategic planning that aligns spending with the needs of the district, ensuring financial stability for years to come. For Jim, fiscal responsibility isn’t just about numbers; it’s about safeguarding the future of District 7’s schools and the community’s trust.


Guiding DD2 with integrity, Jim Lee ensures every decision is made with the best interests of our students and community in mind, paving the way for a future of academic excellence.

Jim Lee's Vision for Leadership, Stewardship, and Governance in DD2 and District 7 is rooted in a deep commitment to our children and community. He knows that strong leadership means making decisions that protect our values, responsible stewardship means using resources wisely to benefit students directly, and effective governance means ensuring transparency and accountability at every level. Jim’s vision is not just about solving today’s issues but about building a foundation for our children’s future—a future where every student has the opportunity to thrive in a safe, supportive, and high-quality educational environment.


Jim Lee’s commitment to responsible stewardship means managing resources wisely, ensuring our schools are well-equipped, and that taxpayer dollars are used effectively for the benefit of all students.


Through transparent and accountable governance, Jim Lee for DD2 School Board restores trust in our schools, addressing concerns head-on and delivering results that matter to our families.

Real Solutions for a Brighter Future


As a member of the DD2 School Board, Jim Lee will champion open meetings, clear communication, and access to records, ensuring that parents are fully informed and actively involved in their children’s education.

Committed to delivering practical and impactful solutions that address the needs of our students, families, and community in DD2.


Focusing on traditional teaching methods will restore strong academic foundations and prepare students for real-world success.


Jim Lee is committed to approving necessary infrastructure upgrades and implementing practical safety protocols to create a secure environment in every DD2 school.


By working to reward teachers based on performance and ensuring financial transparency, Jim Lee will keep the district on a path to success.


Stronger special education services will be a priority, ensuring that resources are properly allocated to meet the needs of every student in DD2.


Guiding the integration of technology, Jim Lee ensures it enhances learning while protecting jobs and staying true to the values of our community.

Empowering Education Through Accountability
  • Jim Lee is committed to policies that enhance academic excellence, making sure student success remains the primary goal.

  • Supporting parents' rights to actively direct their children's education, ensuring their voices are heard in every decision.

  • Prioritizing smart spending and transparency to ensure every dollar benefits our students and schools.

Building a Safer, Stronger Future
  • Advocating for policies that respect and support our teachers, helping them stay and thrive in our schools.

  • Focusing on maintaining safe, disciplined environments so every student can learn without distraction.

  • Driving long-term strategies that align with community needs, ensuring sustainable growth for District 7.

District 7 includes the following precincts: Butternut, Clemson, Clemson 2, Clemson 3, Cypress, Cypress 2, and Knightsville. Electing the right representative for District 7 is crucial to ensuring that our values, priorities, and vision for the future are strongly represented on the DD2 school board.

District 7

About the DD2 Election

This November, we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to shape the future of our schools with a more representative and accountable DD2 Board of Trustees. For the first time, the DD2 school board has been divided into seven distinct districts, with each district electing its own Trustee to the board. This change ensures that every area within DD2 has a dedicated voice, making the board more responsive to the specific needs and concerns of our community.

Committed to Family, Service, and a Stronger Future for District 7