Vote for Jim Lee for DD2 District 7 Trustee

Bringing critical thinking and practical experience to bear on the challenges to student achievement we face in DD2 through effective leadership, stewardship and governance.

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Stay informed and be the first to know about Jim Lee’s vision for positive change, transparency, and excellence in our schools—sign up for updates today!

Meet Jim

Jim Lee knows that great schools are the backbone of our community, and DD2 is blessed with some of the best. But Jim believes we can do even better. As your representative on the DD2 School Board, he will bring innovative leadership, active stewardship, and effective governance to our schools. His commitment is simple: improve student achievement, retain great teachers, plan for the long term, and ensure stable funding. Jim’s focus on increasing transparency, reducing bureaucracy, and respecting parental rights and responsibilities will guide DD2 through the challenges ahead. With Jim Lee on the DD2 School Board, we can take our schools from good to great.

Jim Lee's Vision for DD2

Jim Lee's vision for DD2 focuses on enhancing student achievement through accountability and transparency. He aims to cut through the bureaucracy that slows progress, ensuring that our schools are safe and orderly, with privacy and security as top priorities. By fostering student achievement, community engagement, and comprehensive planning to address growth, Jim is dedicated to creating a future where every student can flourish.

Ensuring Safe and Secure Schools

Stewardship that upholds policies to create disciplined, orderly, and secure learning environments, with a strong focus on student privacy and safety.

Elevating Student Achievement

Leadership that prioritizes academic excellence by supporting policies and programs that help every student reach their full potential through targeted learning strategies and resource allocation.

Supporting Teachers and Parents

Empowering teachers to focus primarily on teaching and student achievement, while also engaging and encouraging parents to be more involved in their children's education and aware of their rights and responsibilities.

Accountability and Transparency

Ensuring accountability through proactive and transparent information sharing about what’s happening in DD2 schools, while advocating for streamlined and effective governance.

A Brighter Future for DD2

With a focus on Leadership, Stewardship, and Governance, Jim Lee is dedicated to guiding our schools toward excellence and securing a future where every student thrives.

Leadership You Can Trust, Results Our Schools Deserve

Investing in a Brighter Future for Our Children and Grandchildren

"The business of public school education is simple: to prepare our children to flourish as responsible, productive adults and conscientious, contributing members of their community; to be independent, lifelong learners; and to succeed according to their God-given abilities, personal interests, and choices."

Jim Lee for DD2 School Board

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Jim Lee is a true leader in education, dedicated to student success and community involvement.

Sara Smith

two person standing on gray tile paving
two person standing on gray tile paving

I support Jim Lee for his commitment to transparency, accountability, and excellence in education.

John Doe

metal bed frame inside room with mounted chalkboard
metal bed frame inside room with mounted chalkboard